Legal notice

Company name: Colibo A/S

Legal form: Aktieselskab (Danish public limited company)

Address: Graven 25C, 2nd floor
8000 Aarhus

Contact: Tel: +45 26 36 28 26

Register number: 38226746 (Danish company register)

Sales tax ID: DK-38226746

Represented by: Mogens Sejer Iversen (Managing Director)
Morten Sig Olesen (Chief Operations Officer)

Responsible for content according to § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz): Mogens Sejer Iversen (Managing Director)

We have placed links on this website to sites on the Internet, the content and updating of which are not under the control of Colibo A/S. Colibo A/S is therefore not responsible for the content and updating of these sites. Therefore, Colibo A/S cannot accept any responsibility for such content. This statement applies to all links on our website and to the content of all pages that can be reached via banners and links from our website.

The layout of our website, the graphics and images used and the individual contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction, duplication and distribution by means of special processes (e.g. data processing, data carriers and data networks) - even in extracts - is only permitted with the permission of Colibo A/S.